Template MasterGlossary.fm
314 GL-1020 Administrator’s Guide
TWAIN Technology Without An Interesting Name. The de facto standard
interface between software applications and image capturing
UNC Universal Naming Convention. Microsoft’s convention for naming
the computers on a PC network.
Unregistered user Any user who either does not have a user account or accesses
TopAccessComposer without logging on first. Unregistered users
can edit, view and print documents in the Public folder.
URL Uniform Resource Locator. An address that allows you to access
information on the Internet, such as a web page, FTP or Gopher,
Usenet, or database. URLs can take the following forms: “http://
host.domain/page” and “mailto://username@host.domain”.
User account The information that TopAccessComposer stores for each
registered user. This information includes a user name and
password and, optionally, a description and Email address. The
document editor / organizer maintains a database of all registered
user accounts.
Walk-up functions Operations performed from the digital copier’s control panel. They
include standard copying functions, monitoring network print jobs
and management functions.
Watermark Text images (formatted words or phrases) that print in the
background of a document. Watermarks can be printed as
transparent text, on only the first or on all pages of the document,
in solid or in outline form.
WEP key An encryption key of 40 bits or 128 bits used in WEP Security.
WEP Security Wired Equivalent Privacy Security. A method of allowing an
access point to verify a client’s identity before communication
takes place.
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity. The brand name of the IEEE 802.11b standard
for wireless networking.
Internet Naming Service. A method of associating a
computer’s host name with its address.
Definition of Common Terms
Term Definition