Placing Components
Multicap 9 User Guide 4-11
Voltage Source Delta; 3 Phase Voltage Source Wye; VCC Supply; VDD Supply; VEE Supply;
VSS Supply.
Signal Source Components
The buttons (from left to right) in the Signal Source Components toolbar place the following
virtual components: AC Current Source; AC Voltage Source; AM Source; Clock Current
Source; Clock Voltage Source; DC Current Source; Exponential Current Source; Exponential
Voltage Source; FM Current Source; FM Voltage Source; PWL Linear Current; PWL Linear
Voltage; Pulse Current Source; Pulse Voltage Source; White Noise Source.
Basic Components toolbar
The buttons (from left to right) in the Basic toolbar place the following virtual components:
capacitor; coreless coil; inductor; magnetic core coil; non-linear transformer; potentiometer;
normally open relay; normally closed relay; combination relay; resistor; audio transformer;
miscellaneous transformer; power transformer; transformer; variable capacitor; variable
inductor; pullup resistor; voltage controlled resistor.
Diodes toolbar
The buttons (from left to right) in the Diodes toolbar place the following virtual components:
diode; zener diode.
Transistor Components toolbar