Working with Larger Designs
6-6 Electronics Workbench
reach the circuit instance. In the diagram below, 'X1.IO1' is the full name of net number IO1
in the sub-circuit referenced by the RefDes 'X1' from the top-level circuit.
6.2.4 Global Nets
Certain pre-defined named nets are considered global across an entire design. That is to say,
anytime a net at any level in the hierarchy or on any page is re-named to one of these reserved
nets, it joins this net. These reserved nets are 0, GND, VCC, VDD, VEE, and VSS. Net 0
corresponds to analog ground. GND is a digital ground (as it is common for the purposes of
PCB layout to wish to isolate these two ground nets).
Components like VCC, VDD, etc. that use the "T" symbol; or the GND component that uses
the triangle symbol; can be renamed as desired. When a wire is attached to such a component,
the netname is automatically changed to the name of the component. For example, in the
diagram below, VCC was placed and then renamed to "power" by double-clicking on the
component and changing the RefDes to "power". The netname automatically changed to
"power" to match the new component RefDes.
Nets created this way become accessible across pages in a multi-page circuit, without the use
of Off-Page Connectors. If the symbol is placed into a nested circuit (SC or HB), the attached
All instances of VCC are
shown here.