Multicap Tutorial
2-2 Electronics Workbench
co-simulation to Multisim. Depending on your tier of Multisim, optional add-ons may be
available, such as for RF simulation and extended parts libraries.
Ultiboard, fed from Multicap or Multisim, is used to design printed circuit boards, perform
certain basic mechanical CAD operations, and prepare them for manufacturing. Ultiroute is
an add-on to Ultiboard that provides automated parts placement and layout beyond what is
available in Ultiboard stand-alone.
All of the products in the Electronics Workbench suite are available in multiple tiers
depending upon budget and needs.
2.2 Multicap 9 Tutorial
This tutorial leads you through the schematic capture process. After following the steps
outlined on the following pages, you will have designed a circuit that will, when built, sample
a small analog signal, amplify it and then count the occurrences of the signal on a simple
digital counter.
Helpful tips are indicated by the presence of an icon in the left column, as in:
You can access the online help at any time by pressing F1 on your keyboard, or by clicking on
Help button in a dialog box.
When you get to the wiring section of this tutorial, you can carry on with the circuit you
created in the component placement section, or open the file "Tut1.ms8" (which has all
components properly placed) from the Tutorial folder (found inside the Samples folder) and