
A-12 Electronics Workbench
A.1.4.2 Place/Junction
Places a junction where you click. For details, see 4.6 Manually Adding a Junction
(Connector) on page 4-29.
A.1.4.3 Place/Wire
Use to place a wire on the workspace that is not connected to any component. For details, see
4.5.5 Placing Wires Directly Onto Workspace on page 4-26.
A.1.4.4 Place/Bus
Places a bus with segments created as you click. For details, see 6.4 Buses on page 6-16.
A.1.4.5 Place/Connectors
Lets you place various connectors on the workspace.
Place/Connectors/HB/SC Connector
Adds connecting nodes to a circuit for use in a hierarchical block or a subcircuit.
Place/Connectors/Off-Page Connector
Places an off-page connector on your workspace. For details, see 6.1 Flat Multi-sheet
Design on page 6-2.
Place/Connectors/Bus HB/SC Connector
Places a bus connector between the main circuit and a hierarchical block or subcircuit. For
details, see Connecting Buses to HB/SCs on page 6-19.
Place/Connectors/Bus Off-Page Connector
Places a bus connector between the main circuit and a multi-page. For details, see
Placing a bus across Multi-pages on page 6-19.
A.1.4.6 Place/Hierarchical Block from File
Places a circuit in a hierarchical structure. For details, see Placing a HB from an
Existing File on page 6-8.
A.1.4.7 Place/New Hierarchical Block
Places a circuit without any components in a hierarchical structure. For details, see 6.2.5
Adding a Hierarchical Block on page 6-7.