
7-18 Electronics Workbench
7. Select the desired option and click
OK. The database is converted.
Auto-Rename... Import and automatically rename the duplicate components.
Overwrite... Replace the Multicap 9 components with V6 or V7 components.
Ignore... Do not import V6 or V7 components with duplicate names.
8. Click
Close to close the Convert Database dialog box.
7.6 Updating Components from Databases
If you open a circuit that was created in an older version of Multicap, you can update its
components to match the current database.
To update components:
1. Select
Tools/Update Circuit Components. The following dialog displays.
If there are any differences, they will be indicated by a
Diff button in the appropriate
column and a red arrow.
2. If the
Diff button appears in the Footprint column, you can click on it show the difference
between the component on the workspace and the footprint in the current database.
Click to display
component difference.