
A-4 Electronics Workbench
Note If you change the page orientation using the
Page Circuit Setup dialog box, the change
is also reflected in the
Print Setup dialog box.
A.1.1.18File/Recent Circuits
Displays a list of the eight most recently saved circuit files. To re-open a file, select it from the
A.1.1.19File/Recent Projects
Displays a list of the eight most recently saved projects. To re-open a project, select it from
the list.
Closes all open circuit windows and exits Multicap. If you have unsaved changes in any
circuits, you are prompted to save or cancel them.
A.1.2 Edit Menu
Contains commands for removing, duplicating or selecting information. If a command is not
applicable to the selected item (for example, a component), it is dimmed.
A.1.2.1 Edit/Undo
Undoes the most recently performed delete.
A.1.2.2 Edit/Redo
Redoes the most recently performed undo.
A.1.2.3 Edit/Cut
Removes selected components, circuits or text. What you cut is placed on the Windows
clipboard so you can paste it elsewhere.
A.1.2.4 Edit/Copy
Copies selected components, circuits or text. The copy is placed on the Windows clipboard.
You can then use the
Paste command to paste the copy elsewhere, including other applications
such as word processors.