Network License Server
Multicap 9 User Guide 1-13
If either the server machine or client machine has a firewall installed (including the
Windows XP service pack 2 internal firewall), make sure that either:
a) the required port is allowed to be open (in TCP protocol) or
b) the server program (EWBNLSS) or client application is granted an exception.
Please see your firewall’s documentation for more information.
• Client application gives “This product is not registered on the license server”
Make sure that you have used the same product serial number on both the client and the
Make sure that the registration code has been accepted by the license server. No client
application will be licensed until the product has been successfully registered.
• Client application gives “No more instances of the program can be run on the
network” message.
This message is returned when all available license seats have been used up. When a user
shuts down the client application normally, their seat should be released immediately;
however, when a client application terminates unexpectedly (the computer is turned off
while running or there is a fatal error), the license server may take up to five minutes to
relinquish this license for reuse. If you believe that there should be seats available and
clients are being denied licenses, waiting for five minutes to log on is usually sufficient to
allow these seats to be freed.
The administrator may also wish to check the
Network License Server control screen and
try to identify unused but unreleased licenses by their computer name or IP address
subdomain. If the administrator logs off these users, their licenses will be immediately
available for new clients. The administrator may also check for users running multiple
clients on a single machine.
In extreme cases, the administrator may click the
Restart button on the Network License
. This will immediately release all licenses and then reissue them silently to active
authorized users only. For most client users, this will be an invisible process. This option
should however be used with caution: if the number of clients requesting licenses is
indeed over the seat limit, the license server cannot guarantee that exactly the same set of
clients will be granted licenses as had them before the reset operation. Therefore, some
authorized clients may be given the “no more instances of the program can be run on the
network” message in the middle of their active session and be prohibited from continuing
their work (however, they will be given the opportunity to save their work).