Customizing the Interface
Multicap 9 User Guide 3-41
3. When you select
Button Appearance, the Button Appearance dialog box appears, where
you can change the appearance of the selected toolbutton.
3.6.7 Other Customization Options
The Multicap user interface is highly customizable. Separate customizations may be applied
whenever a different type of sheet becomes active. For example, the toolbars and docking
windows may be re-configured as you move from a circuit sheet to a description edit sheet.
Toolbars may be docked in various positions and orientations. The contents of the toolbars
may be customized. New toolbars may be created. The menu system is fully customizable,
including all pop-up menu for the various object types. You can also customize the interface
by showing or hiding, dragging to a new location and, optionally, resizing any of toolbars.
These changes apply to all circuits you are working with. Moved or resized items will return
to that location and size when Multicap is next opened.