MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 4-272Extensions
1. Be sure to restore the board after finishing any programming activities.
2. If the primary and secondary cover buttons are not removed, the
following message appears on the programming device (SPM or
Summary: CTI Link 4
Programmable by System Manager
Mode Hybrid/PBX
Idle Condition Not required
Planning Form Form 2b, System Numbering: Digital Adjuncts
Factory Setting No port programmed as CTI link
Valid Entries Any extension on an MLX port board except the System
Programming console port and the first and fifth ports.
Inspect Yes
Copy Option No
Console Procedure Busy out the board first. This is a Maintenance step. Start the
procedure from the main menu, not the System Programming
→ → →Dial the slot no.→ →
Program the CTI link:
→ →Dial extension no.→ →
Restore the slot. This is a Maintenance step. Start the
procedure from the main menu, not the System Programming
→ → →Dial the slot no.→ →