MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Procedures
Page 4-27System Operator Positions
System Operator Positions 4
A system operator position, for a Queued Call Console (QCC) operator or a
Direct-Line Console (DLC) operator, should be programmed before you program
lines or trunks.
QCC Operator Position 4
The QCC operator position is available only for Hybrid/PBX systems. The DLC
operator position is available in any mode and must be programmed if you have
Call Management Systems connected to any operator extension jacks. For
detailed programming procedures see “QCC System Operator Positions” on page
This procedure applies to Hybrid/PBX systems only.
If you want to add or remove QCC operator positions, the following
conditions apply:
■ If other QCC positions remain in your system, the primary QCC
operator position cannot be removed.
■ When QCC operator positions are added, the primary QCC operator
position should be the first one added.
■ If QCC operator positions are being removed, the primary QCC
operator position must be the last one removed.
Summary: QCC Operator Positions 4
Programmable by System Manager
Mode Hybrid/PBX
Idle Condition System idle
Planning Form Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks
Factory Setting Type: DLC
Valid Entries First or fifth extension jack on MLX module (maximum: two
per module; maximum: four QCCs per system)
Inspect Yes
Copy Option No
Console Procedure
→ → →Dial ext. no.→
PC Procedure → → →Type ext. no.→ →