MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Procedures
Page 4-22System Renumbering
Non-Local Dial Plan Extension Ranges 4
There are two procedures in non-local numbering:
■ Specifying new extension ranges
■ Deleting extension ranges
Chapter 3, “Common Administrative Procedures,” includes further details about
this type of numbering.
Summary: Specifying New Extension Ranges 4
This procedure verifies that extension numbers on the local system do not conflict
with those on a networked outside switch. For example, if Extension 110 exists in
the local system, Extension 1100 cannot exist on a networked outside system. It
also checks to see whether new extension number ranges conflict with existing
ranges set for the non-local system.
Programmable by System Manager
Mode Hybrid/PBX
Idle Condition None
Planning Form Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks
Form 2b, System Numbering: Digital Adjuncts
Form 2d, System Numbering: Special Renumbers
Non-Local Dial Plan Administration Form in the Installation
Factory Setting Not applicable
Valid Entries Starting and ending numbers for old and new extension
Ranges 50
Inspect Yes, existing number ranges
Copy Option No
Console Procedure
→ →Dial no. of first extension in
→ →Dial no. of last extension in range→
→Dial no. of pattern for extension range→
→ →
PC Procedure → →Type no. of first extension in range→ →Type
no. of last extension in range
→ →Type no. of pattern for
extension range
→ → →