
About This Book
Page xviiIntended Audience
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
About This Book
The power and versatility of the MERLIN LEGEND
Communication System is
due in part to its many options and features. These options and features have
been recorded on system planning forms and initially programmed at the time of
installation. Changes in use patterns, additional equipment, or a change in
operating mode may necessitate additional system programming.
Intended Audience
This book is intended for system managers–people who plan, program, maintain,
and manage the communication system. It is also intended for qualified support
personnel who are responsible for installation and initial system programming.
How to Use This Book
This book contains all the programming procedures you need to enable your
system to function at peak efficiency. Refer to the following documents for
additional information:
Feature Reference
describes features in detail and any possible feature
System Planning
describes the System Planning Forms and how to use
“Related Documents,” later in this section, provides a complete list of system
documentation together with ordering information.