
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Basics
Page 1-50Product Enhancements
MLX-10D, MLX-20L, and MLX-28D display telephones and MLX-10 nondisplay
telephones are available in three separate versions, with factory-set buttons in
English, Spanish, or French. (The MLX-10DP is available in the English version
only.) In addition, user and operator guides and telephone tray cards are available
in all three languages.
Programming and Maintenance 1
Programming and maintenance enhancements include the following:
Additional Inspect capability in system programming
Editing capability (Backspace selection) in extension programming
Improvements to system reports
An access log that records the last 20 times maintenance or system
programming has been accessed
Longer (20-second) gap between ring cycles for programming mode and
Forced Idle tone
Operational 1
System operational enhancements include the following:
Automatic selection of an SA button when Conference is invoked (Hybrid/
PBX mode)
Prompting through Conference feature on MLX display telephones
Relocation of the More prompt on the MLX-20L display
Display of the number saved on a programmed Last Number Dial or Saved
Number Dial button when the button is inspected
SPM enhancements include operation in English, French, or Spanish, faster
backup and restore, and automatic on-screen display of reports as they are
created, with a Browse capability for reading the reports.
Equipment 1
Additional equipment includes the 8102 and 8110 analog telephones, four
headsets, two headset amplifiers, and a transparent protective cover for the
MLX-10 and MLX-10D telephones. The 8102 and 8110 telephones are also
compatible with Release 1.0.