Forward Traffic Peak Cell Rate (1-16777215) [30000]?
Forward Traffic Sustained Cell Rate (1-16777215) [20000]?
Forward Traffic Tagging (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Forward Traffic QOS Class: 0 = CLASS_0, 1 = CLASS_1, 2 = CLASS_2,
3 = CLASS_3, 4 = CLASS_4 [0]?
Backward Traffic Peak Cell Rate (1-16777215) [30000]?
Backward Traffic Sustained Cell Rate (1-16777215) [20000]?
Backward Traffic Tagging (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Backward Traffic QOS Class: 0 = CLASS_0, 1 = CLASS_1, 2 = CLASS_2,
3 = CLASS_3, 4 = CLASS_4 [0]?
Call out anonymously (Y)es (N)o [N]?
ATM Network Type: 0 = CAMPUS, 1 = WIDEAREA [0]?
Shareable Connection Network Traffic (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Shareable Other Protocol Traffic (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Remote SAP(04-EC) [4]?
Adjacent node type: 0 = APPN network node,
1 = APPN end node or Unknown node type,
2 = LEN end node [0]?
TG Number (0-20) [0]?
Allow CP-CP sessions on this link (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
CP-CP session level security (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Configure CP name of adjacent node: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
LDLC Retry Count(1-255) [3]?
LDLC Timer Period(1-255 seconds) [1]?
Would you like TG characteristics updated to recommended
values based on config changes: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
nada205 APPN config>
1 Define an APPN port with link type ATM
2 Define an APPN link station
3 Define a PVC
4 Define an SVC
Configuring APPN Using SDLC
APPN supports the following SDLC stations:
v Primary point-to-point
v Secondary point-to-point
v Negotiable point-to-point
v Primary multipoint
v Secondary point-to-point (multi APPN link stations)
Using the talk 5 command interface for SDLC, you can:
v Enable/disable a SDLC link
v Update SDLC station parameters.
In order to activate an APPN connection to the remote SDLC link station, you must
configure and activate the APPN SDLC link station in the router. This enables the
APPN link station in the router to receive an activation XID from the remote SDLC
link station. This is different from other DLC types, such as Token ring or Ethernet,
whose APPN link stations do not need to be explicitly defined for APPN in the
router since APPN has the capability to dynamically define these types of link
Refer to the Software User’s Guide for additional information about SDLC network
layer configuration.
Chapter 1. APPN 65