
Adjacent node = 1.22
Listen timer = 45
Adjacent node = 2.14
Listen timer = 45
Adjacent node = 2.39
Listen timer = 90
Circuit = PPP/0
State = off
Designated router =
Cost = 4
Router priority = 64
Hello timer = 15
Maximum routers = 8
show circuit eth/0 counters
This example shows the counters that are kept for the circuits. Note that
some counters kept by DECnet-VAX are not kept here, but are instead read
through the network command of GWCON.
Circuit Volatile Counters
Circuit = Eth/0
525249 Seconds since last zeroed
0 Terminating packets received
0 Originating packets sent
3693 Transit packets received
4723 Transit packets sent
0 Transit congestion loss
0 Circuit down
0 Initialization failure
0 Packet corruption loss
adjacent node
Node ID of a node that has an adjacency with this node on the
circuit being displayed. While adjacencies with end-nodes
automatically make that node reachable, a router adjacency does
not automatically make that node reachable. A router is not
considered reachable unless a routing message has been received
over an active adjacency from that router. Thus, nodes may show
as adjacent in the circuit database, but will not be in the reachable
nodes database (show active nodes).
block size
Maximum data block size that the associated adjacent node is
willing to receive. This is typically 1498 bytes, which is the standard
1500 bytes of an Ethernet packet, less the 2-byte length field used
with DECnet.
circuit Circuits to which this data applies.
designated router
Displays what this node believes to be the designated router for this
area on this circuit. (There may be some transient disagreements
when a new router starts up.) This normally will be the same for all
routers on the circuit. End-nodes send all packets for destinations
not on the local circuit to their designated router.
hello timer
Hello timer for this circuit. Router hello messages are sent this often
on the circuit.
listen timer
Amount of time designating how often router or end-node hellos
must be received from this adjacency on this circuit. It is three
times the hello timer set for this circuit on the adjacent machine.
DNA IV Configuration and Monitoring Commands
Chapter 8. Configuring and Monitoring DNA IV 279