Next Hop
The AppleTalk address of the next hop router used to forward a packet to
the destination node, or Direct if the destination node is directly connected
to the interface.
Clear Counters
The clear-counters command clears all cache usage counters and packet overflow
Use the counters command to display the number of packet overflows on each
network that sends and receives AppleTalk Phase 2 packets. This command
displays the number of times the AppleTalk Phase 2 forwarder input queue was full
when packets were received from the specified network.
Example: counters
AP2 Input Packet Overflows
Net Count
FR/0 0
Eth/0 4
PPP/0 22
Use the dump command to obtain routing table information about the interfaces on
the router that forwards AppleTalk Phase 2 packets.
Note: dump
displays the part of the overall network and zone information
that is visible on that interface.
Example: dump
Dest Net Cost State Next hop Zone
10-19 0 Dir 0/0 "Ethertalk", "Sales"
40-49 1 Good 10/13 "Marketing", "CustomerSer",
20-29 2 Sspct 10/13 "Fuchsia", "Backbone",
"Engineering", "MKTING"
3 entries
You can also use the dump command with a specific interface to display the routes
that are visible on that interface. You can use this feature to make sure filters are
configured correctly because it shows whether or not filtered zones or networks are
visible to an interface.
AppleTalk Phase 2 Monitoring Commands (Talk 5)
Chapter 4. Configuring and Monitoring AppleTalk Phase 2 231