Table 4. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Routing (continued)
Parameter Information
Enable routing list optimization
Valid Values
Indicates whether or not a BN may reorder the operational code’s temporary copy of a
subnetwork routing list so that entries that are more likely to be successful are found
Note: This is the last of the questions asked only if border node has been enabled.
Route addition resistance
Valid Values
Default Value
This parameter indicates the desirability of routing through this node. This parameter is
used in the class of service based route calculation. Lower values indicate higher levels
of desirability.
XID number for subarea connection (see table notes)
Valid Values
A string of 5 hexadecimal digits
This parameter specifies a unique ID number (identifier) for the network node. The XID
number is combined with an ID block number (which identifies a specific IBM product)
to form an XID node identification. Node identifications are exchanged between
adjacent nodes when the nodes are establishing a connection. The router network
node automatically appends an ID block number to this parameter during the XID
exchange to create an XID node identification.
The ID number you assign to this node must be unique within the APPN network
identified by Network ID parameter. Contact your network administrator to verify that
the ID number is unique.
Note: Node identifications are normally exchanged between T2.1 nodes during CP-CP
session establishment. If the network node is communicating with the IBM Virtual
Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) product through a T2.1 LEN node and the LEN
node has a CP name defined for it, the XID number parameter is not required. If the
adjacent LEN node is not a T2.1 node or does not have an explicitly defined CP name, the
XID number parameter must be specified to establish a connection with the LEN node.
VTAM versions prior to Version 3 Release 2 do not allow CP names to be defined for LEN
APPN Configuration Commands
Chapter 2. Configuring and Monitoring APPN 87