Table 9. Configuration Parameter List - Trace Setup Questions (continued)
Parameter Information
Edit General
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. See Table 13 on page 114
for the set of questions you will be asked if this option is enabled.
Table 10. Configuration Parameter List - Node Level Traces
Parameter Information
Process management
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace
option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the management of
processes within the APPN network node, including the creation and termination of
processes, processes entering a wait state, and the posting of processes.
Process to process communication
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace
option causes the router trace facility to gather data about messages exchanged
between processes in the APPN network node, including the queuing and receipt of
such messages.
APPN Configuration Commands
Chapter 2. Configuring and Monitoring APPN 103