
maximum address number [range]
(define only) Is the highest node address (within this area) for
which routes will be kept by this router. The routing database will
not include routes to nodes in this area with a higher node part of
their address. Range: 1 to 1023. Default: 32. It should be higher
than the highest node address in the router’s area. Setting it
excessively large will affect the efficiency of the router, and will use
excess memory. This argument does not take effect until the router
is restarted.
maximum area number [number]
(define only) Is the highest area for which routes will be kept, if this
is a level 2 router. The routing database will not include routes to
areas higher than this. Maximum: 63. Default: 63. It should be
higher than the highest area number in the overall network. This
argument does not take effect until the router is restarted.
maximum broadcast nonrouters [number]
(define only) Maximum number of end-nodes that can be adjacent
(one hop away) to this router. This is the sum over all broadcast
circuits. If there are more end-nodes, some of those end-nodes will
not be reachable by this router, which may cause unpredictable
routing problems. This argument does not take effect until the router
is restarted. Range: 1 to 1023. Default: 63.
maximum broadcast routers [number]
(define only) Maximum number of routers than can be adjacent
(one hop away) to this router. This is the sum over all broadcast
circuits. If there are more routers, routes will not be accepted from
the excess routers. This may cause unpredictable routing problems.
This argument does not take effect until the router is restarted.
Default: 32. Maximum: 33 times the number of circuits. This value
should be greater than or equal to the sum of “circuit maximum
routers” over all circuits, although this is not strongly enforced. This
parameter has a strong effect on memory utilization, and should not
be set much larger than required. Because the default is rather
high, you may need to reduce the value if you have set a large
“maximum address.”
maximum cost [number]
Maximum cost allowed between this router and any other node in
the area. If the best route to a node is more costly than this, that
node will be considered unreachable. Maximum: 1022. Default:
1022. It should be greater than the maximum legal cost to the most
distant node. A suggested value is 25 times “maximum hops”.
maximum hops [number]
Maximum number of hops allowed between this router and any
node in the area. If the best route to a node requires more hops
than this, that node will be considered unreachable. Maximum: 30.
Default: 30. It should be about twice the longest path length (in
hops) that is expected. The hop count is used by routing only to
speed the decay of routes to unreachable nodes. The maximum
number of hops may be reduced to cause unreachable nodes to
become unreachable more quickly.
maximum visits [number]
Specifies that any packet forwarded by this router that has been
forwarded by more than maximum visits routers will be dropped.
DNA IV Configuration and Monitoring Commands
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2