Table 1. Implementation of APPN Network Node Functions (continued)
APPN Function Yes No Notes
Mode name to class of service (COS) mapping X 1
Limited resource link stations X 2
BIND segmentation and reassembly X 3
Session-level security X 4
Intermediate session routing
Intermediate session routing X
Routing of dependent LU sessions X
Fixed and adaptive session-level pacing X
RU segmentation and reassembly X 5
Directory services
Broadcast searches X
Directed searches X
Directory caching X
Safe storage of directory services cache X 6
Central directory server X 7
Central directory client X 7
Registration of APPN EN LUs with network node server X
Definition of LEN node LUs on network node server X
Use of wild cards to define attached LEN node resources X
Accept multiple “resource found” conditions X
Network node server for DLUR EN - Option set 1116 X
Topology and routing services
Topology exchange X
Periodic topology broadcasts X 8
Topology database maintenance X 9
Topology awareness of CP-CP sessions X
Randomized route computation X 10
Cached routing trees X 11
Safe storage of topology database X
Garbage Collection Enhancements X
Connection network definition X 12
Multiple transmission groups X
Parallel transmission groups X
Management services
Multiple domain support (MDS) X
Explicit focal point X
Implicit focal point X
Held alerts X
SSCP-PU sessions with focal points X
SNA/MS problem diagnosis data in alerts X
1. New mode names can be defined on the router using the Command Line
interface. These new mode names can be mapped to existing Class of Service
(COS) definition names or to new COS definitions, which may be defined using
the Configuration tool.
2. Limited resource link stations are supported for:
v connection network links
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2