Chapter 4. Configuring and Monitoring AppleTalk Phase 2
This chapter describes the AppleTalk Phase 2 (AP2) configuring and monitoring
commands. It includes the following sections:
v “Accessing the AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Environment”
v “AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Commands”
v “Accessing the AppleTalk Phase 2 Monitoring Environment” on page 229
v “AppleTalk Phase 2 Monitoring Commands” on page 229
Accessing the AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Environment
To access the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration environment, enter the following
command at the Config> prompt:
Config> ap2
AP2 Protocol user configuration
AP2 Config>
AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Commands
This section describes the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration commands.
The AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration commands allow you to specify network
parameters for router interfaces that transmit AppleTalk Phase 2 packets. The
information you specify with the configuration commands becomes activated when
you restart the router.
Enter the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration commands at the AP2 config> prompt.
Table 51 shows the commands.
Table 51. AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or
lists the options for specific commands (if available). See
“Getting Help” on page xxvi.
Add Adds zone names, network filters, and zone filters to an
Delete Deletes the zone names, interfaces, network filters, and zone
Disable Disables interfaces, checksumming, split-horizon routing,
network filters, or zone filters, or globally disables AppleTalk
Phase 2.
Enable Enables interfaces, checksumming, split-horizon routing,
network filters, zone filters, or globally enables AppleTalk
Phase 2.
List Displays the current AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration.
Set Sets the cache size, network range, and node number.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a
Lower Level Environment” on page xxvii.
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