Configuration Changes That Require the APPN Function to Restart
v Network ID of the network node
v Control point name of the network node
v XID number (of network node) for subarea connection
v Adjacent node type (of link station)
v Change of node function (EBN, BN, NN)
v Any parameters under the following options:
– High-Performance Routing (HPR) at the node level
– Dependent LU Requester (DLUR) at the node level
– Connection network
– Class of service
– Node tuning
– Node management
– Focal points
– Mode name mappings
– Delete TN3270E parameters
– Routing lists
– COS mapping tables
Configuration Requirements for APPN
APPN routing is configured on the individual adapters supporting the DLC desired.
To use APPN routing, at least one of the following DLCs must be configured and
v LAN ports:
– Token-ring
– Ethernet
v Serial ports configured with:
– Frame relay
– X.25
– Dial circuits over ISDN
– Dial circuits over V.25bis
– Dial circuits over V.34
v DLSw
v HPR over IP
Configuring the Router as an APPN Network Node
You can configure the router as an APPN network node in one of three ways,
depending on the level of connectivity you desire with other nodes.
v Minimum configuration
v Initiate connections configuration
v Controlling connections configuration
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2