set transmit-password
Password type [Domain]:
Password [ ]:
Reenter password:
Password type
Selects the type of password:
Domain passwords are used with L2 LSPs and SNPs. Area
passwords are used with L1 LSPs and SNPs.
Indicates the character string that your using for authentication.
Maximum allowable string can be 16 characters.
Configures an X.25 SVC or PVC, or a Frame Relay PVC.
set virtual-circuit
Interface Number [0]:
DTE Address []:
Enable ISIS (Y or N) [Y]?
L2 only (Y or N) [N]?
External Domain (Y or N) [N]?
Default Metric [20]:;
ISIS Hello Timer [3 sec]?
Modify transmit password (y or n) [N]?
Modify the set of receive passwords [No]?
Interface Number
Indicates the X.25 or Frame Relay interface over which the virtual
circuit is configured.
DTE Address
Indicates the destination DTE address for X.25 or the DLCI (Data
Link Control Identifier) for Frame Relay. This address must be the
same as the one defined for the virtual circuit in the X.25
configuration or the Frame Relay configuration.
Default Metric
Indicates the cost of the circuit.
Enable IS-IS
Indicates whether the IS-IS protocol is going to run over the
interface, yes (Y) or no (N).
L2 only
Indicates whether the circuit should run at level 2 only, yes (Y) or
no (N). A no designation allows the router to route at both level 1
and level 2.
External Domain
Indicates whether the circuit is operating outside the IS-IS routing
Accessing the OSI/DECnet V Monitoring Environment
For information on how to access the OSI/DECnet V monitoring environment, refer
Getting Started (Introduction to the User Interface)
in the
Software User’s Guide
OSI/DECnet V Monitoring Commands
This section describes the OSI/DECnet V Monitoring commands. Use these
commands to gather information from the database.
DECnet V/OSI Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
Chapter 10. Configuring and Monitoring OSI/DECnet V 329