Your QMS 1660 Print System comes standard with two media cas-
settes. Using the control panel, you can select a default media input
source, chaining these input sources, and name them.
An option in the Operator Control menu allows you to select the
default tray or cassette (inputbin) from which media is drawn into the
An option in the Operator Control menu allows you to “chain” input-
bins (tray and cassettes) so that when the first inputbin empties, the
printer will automatically draw media from another inputbin.
Menu Operator Control/Inputbin
Choices Lower—Standard cassette
Multipurpose—Multipurpose tray
Optional—Optional cassette (if installed)
Default Lower
Notes The current default inputbin is indicated by the appropriate
LED on the print control panel.
Menu Operator Control/Chain Inputbins
Choices Off—Doesn’t switch inputbins; uses only the default inputbin.
On—Switches to the next inputbin with the same size and type
of media when the default inputbin is empty.
On Any—Switches to the next inputbin, regardless of the size
and type of media installed, when the default inputbin is empty.
Default On
Notes Use the Operator Control/Inputbin menu to set the default