
Appendix C, “Document Option Commands,” of this manual has
updated information on the PCL 5 DOC commands.
Sets the default font for this emulation.
Sets the default font index when Select by Index is chosen in the
Administration/Emulations/PCL 5/Default Font menu. If a font by the
same index number exists, it is selected as the default font. This font
must be a cartridge or downloaded soft font.
Controls the default storage location of PCL objects (fonts, macros,
and patterns).
Menu Administration/Emulations/PCL 5/Default Font
Choices Courier12, Courier12Bold, Courier12Italic, Courier10,
Courier10Bold, Courier10Italic, Lineprinter, Select by Index,
Times*, Times*Italic, Times*Bold, Times*BoldItalic, Univ*,
Univ*Italic, Univ*Bold, Univ*BoldItalic, UnivCond*,
UnivCond*Italic, UnivCond*Bold, UnivCond*BldItlc, Zapf
Default Courier12
Notes * represents a scalable font (default point size [12 points] is
used to scale the font and produce the characters in the
selected size).
If you use Select by Index to select a font by its font index, the
printer uses the Administration/Emulations/PCL5/Default Font
Idx value to choose the default font.
Menu Administration/Emulations/PCL 5/Default Font Idx
Choices 00000-32767
Default Depends on cartridge or downloaded font(s)
Menu Administration/Emulations/PCL 5/Downld Location