Sets the width and color for the eight plotter pens. A width and a color
option are available for each pen.
» Note:
See chapter 5, “Additional Technical Information,” for more
information on the HP-GL emulation color encoding equation.
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Pen
Choices 00-60 (0.1-6.0 mm)–see Notes below
Default Pen 1—7 (0.7 mm)
Pen 2—3 (0.3 mm)
Pen 3—3 (0.3 mm)
Pen 4—3 (0.3 mm)
Pen 5—3 (0.3 mm)
Pen 6—3 (0.3 mm)
Pen 7—3 (0.3 mm)
Pen 8—3 (0.3 mm)
Notes A pen width of 00 defaults to 0.1 mm.
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Pen
Choices Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Gray - 25%, Gray - 50%,
Gray - 75%, Green, Magenta, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow
Default Pen 1—Black (100% black)
Pen 2—Black (100% black)
Pen 3—Red (70% black)
Pen 4—Green (41% black)
Pen 5—Blue (89% black)
Pen 6—Violet (59% black)
Pen 7—Orange (25.8% black)
Pen 8—Brown (50% black)
Notes Cyan=30% black, magenta=59% black, and yellow=11%