Sets the number of seconds the interface waits for data from the host
before terminating a spooled print job.
Sets the number of stop bits transmitted per character.
Sets the software communication protocol used by the host computer
to control communication with the printer.
Use the Administration/Communications/Network
menu to
set the printer-host communication values for an optional network
interface, such as CrownNet. The documentation that comes with the
interface contains complete configuration information.
Choices ETX/ACK, None, Robust XON/XOFF, XON/XOFF
Default XON/XOFF
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Spool Timeout
Choices 00000-99999
Default 00030
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Stop Bits
Choices 1 Bit, 2 Bits
Default 1 Bit
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Xmit Sw Flow Ctl
Choices ETX/ACK, None, XON/XOFF
Default None