Sets the check bit used to identify data transmission errors.
Sets the binary communications protocol (BCP) for communicating
over a serial interface to a PostScript printer. See chapter 5, “Addi-
tional Technical Information,” for a full discussion of PS Protocol.
Sets the software communication protocol used by the printer to con-
trol communication from the host computer.
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Parity
Choices Even, None, Odd
Default None
Notes The printer’s parity setting must match that of the host or
Use the Administration/Communications/Serial/Ignore Par. Err.
menu to specify how the printer handles parity errors.
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/PS Protocol
Choices Normal—Enable standard, ASCII hex protocol. Data is sent
and received in ASCII format. This mode is recommended
if you do not print binary data. It was designed for data in
the printable ASCII range. Print jobs can alter the PS
protocol value through PostScript operators.
Normal Fixed—Enable standard, ASCII hex protocol. Print
jobs cannot alter this value through PostScript operators.
Binary—Enable binary communications protocol. Print jobs
can alter this value through PostScript operators. Data in
the printable ASCII range also prints.
Binary Fixed—Enable binary communications protocol. Print
jobs cannot alter this value through PostScript operators.
Data in the printable ASCII range also prints.
Default Normal
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Rcv Sw Flow Ctl