
serial interface priority over jobs received via the LocalTalk and paral-
lel interfaces.
Sets the serial interface emulation.
Enables (and identifies an end-of-job sequence) or disables data
stream sensing for the end-of-document (EOD) command. These
sequences allow hosts to enforce print job sequencing without con-
siderations for interacting timeouts. See chapter 5, “Additional Techni-
cal Information,” for details on how to implement this feature on your
QMS 1660 Print System.
Controls the flow of data between the printer and the host.
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Def Job Prio
Choices 001-100 (highest-lowest priority)
Default 001 (highest priority)
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Emulation
Choices ESP, Hexdump, HPGL, Lineprinter, PCL5, PostScript
Other optional emulations also appear, if installed.
Default ESP
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/End Job Mode
Choices None—The printer recognizes only the PostScript ^D
QMS EOD—The printer recognizes only the QMS
%%EndOfDocument command.
HP EOD—The printer recognizes only the HP
<ESC>%12345X command.
Default None
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Hdwe Flow Ctl