Syntax %%IncludeFeature:linesperpage
Purpose Sets the default PCL line spacing.
Notes Both the %%IncludeFeature:linesperinch and
%%IncludeFeature:linesperpage DOC commands affect
PCL’s default VMI (vertical motion index). In the event that both
are specified, the linesperpage DOC command is ignored.
Purpose Specifies the number of lines on the default page at
the default orientation.
Range 1-3000
Default Printer configuration dependent
Format Integer
Syntax %%IncludeFeature:pointsize
(default font size)
Purpose Specifies the point size for scalable default font
Notes If the selected font is not scalable or if a bitmap font size is
specified, this setting is ignored.
default font size
Purpose Specifies the floating point number for point size.
Range 0.25 to 999.75 in 0.25 increments
Default Printer configuration dependent
Format Floating point number