
6 Print another advanced status page, and verify that the con-
figuration settings match the previous configuration settings
(on the advanced status page printed in step 1).
7 If there are differences in the configuration settings, recon-
figure them through the printer configuration menu.
8 On your computer’s hard disk, delete the folder containing
the SYSTEM.SEA and SYSTEM.SEA.2 files.
1 Download the new system software PostScript file SYS-
TEMDL.PS to the printer, over any available interface, the
way you would normally send a PostScript file.
For example, you might use PS Executive, copy, or fstprn from a
PC, or qpr or put from a UNIX system.
The downloading process takes about 5 minutes, depending on
the size of the file and the speed of your computer. The printer’s
Ready indicator blinks as the new system image is copied to flash
After the updated system software has been written to flash
memory, the printer reboots with the new system image, prints a
start-up page, and returns to IDLE.
» Note:
The new flash image does not erase the old image until the
printer verifies that the new image is valid.
2 Print another advanced status page, and verify that the con-
figuration settings match the previous configuration settings
(on the advanced status page printed in step 1).
3 If there are differences in the configuration settings, recon-
figure them through the printer configuration menu.