The QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) is available M-F, 7:00
am-6:00 pm, Central Standard Time, at (334) 633-4500 (US). You can
also fax questions to CTA at (334) 633-3716 (US). Please indicate
whether you would like a faxed or a phoned reply.
If you call for assistance, have the following information ready so our
technicians can help you more quickly:
Your phone number, fax number, and shipping address
A description of the problem
The printer model and serial number
The type of host computer you are using
The type and version of operating system you are using
The interface you are using, and, if serial, the protocol
The application and version you are using
The emulation you are using
Your printer firmware version (listed on the status and start-up
The following numbers are valid in the US. To contact QMS in other
countries, see the list of world-wide offices in the following section.
(800) 762-8894 Call for service information and maintenance pricing for
repair of all QMS printers and printers of various other
(800) 858-1597 On-Site Service and Depot Repair Information
7:00-7:00 pm, Central Standard Time
(334) 633-4300
Spare Parts Ordering and Information