
Stipulates whether each carriage return (CR) in the print job is trans-
lated to a carriage return/line feed (CRLF) combination.
Sets the printer fonts for the current print job. Any PostScript fonts
available on the printer can be used. To see a list of available Post-
Script fonts, print an advanced status page through the printer config-
uration menu or through the PS Executive Series Utilities.
Stipulates whether each form feed (FF) in the print job is translated to
a carriage return/form feed (CRFF) combination.
Menu Administration/Emulations/Lineprinter/CR is CRLF
Choices On—Translate all carriage returns to line feeds.
Off—Use carriage returns only as carriage returns.
Default Off
Menu Administration/Emulations/Lineprinter/Font
Choices All printer-resident PostScript fonts.
Default Courier
Menu Administration/Emulations/Lineprinter/FF is CRFF
Choices On—Translate all form feeds to carriage return/form feed
Off—Use form feeds only as form feeds.
Default On