Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
port speed group
configuring 2-26
port speeds
configuring 2-10, 2-25
configuring on Generation 2 switching module
displaying configuration 3-30
port tracking
default settings 9-2
description 9-1
displaying information 9-6
enabling 9-3
guidelines 9-2
monitoring ports in a VSAN 9-5
multiple ports 9-4
shutting down ports forcefully 9-6
private devices
TL ports 2-50
rate modes
configuring on Generation 2 switching module
verifying configuration 3-31
See also port rate modes
reason codes
description 2-6
receive buffer groups. See buffer groups
receive data field sizes
configuring 4-21
from powered-down state 3-21
SD port mode
description 2-5
interface modes 2-5
SD ports
configuring 2-22
displaying transmitter types 2-48
transmitter types 2-12
shared rate mode
description 3-8
migrating from dedicated rate mode 3-27
migrating to dedicated rate mode 3-26
oversubscription 3-11
source IDs
exchange based 6-5
flow based 6-4
SPAN destination port mode. See SD port mode
SPAN tunnel port mode. See ST port mode
ST port mode
description 2-5
interface modes 2-5
limitations 2-5
ST ports
interface modes 2-5
subnet masks
configuring mgmt0 interfaces 2-17
switch ports
configuring attribute default values 2-28
TE port mode
classes of service 2-4
description 2-4
TE ports
trunking restrictions 5-3
TF port mode
classes of service 2-4
description 2-4
TL port mode
classes of service 2-4
description 2-4