Changing WX Connection Settings 499
By default, 3WXM Services accepts certificates from WX switches
regardless of whether they are generated by a certificate authority (CA) or
they are self-signed certificates. When you disable this option, the
Accept self-signed certificates option remains enabled.
6 To prevent 3WXM Services from accepting self-signed certificates from
the WX switches it monitors, click Accept self-signed certificates to
disable the option.
When both the Accept all certificates and Accept self-signed
certificates options are disabled, 3WXM Services accepts only-CA
generated certificates.
7 To specify a key store filename and a password to protect access to that
a Enter the filename in the File box.
b To change the file type for the key store file, select one of the
PKCS12 — Public-Key Cryptography Standard number 12, the
standard format used by Unix machines.
JKS — Java Key Store, a format used by Java platforms and
c Enter the password in the Password box.
When both the Accept all certificates and Accept self-signed
certificates options are disabled, and you specify a key store file, the
3WXM Services accepts a certificate from a WX switch only if the public
key information for that certificate is in the key store file.
8 Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to cancel the changes.
9 Click another tab to configure more settings or click Close to close the
3WXM Services Setup dialog box.