
Using the Client Monitor View 417
The same counters appear when you select a Site, building, or floor.
Table 38 lists the data displayed on the Client Activity tab when a
Mobility Domain is selected. The counters are incremented each time the
3WXM Services receives a client activity trap generated by a WX switch.
The counters represent activity for all clients within the selected scope.
Table 38 Client Activity Columns When a Mobility Domain is Selected
Option Description
Scope Scope of the data displayed in the row.
For a Mobility Domain, the scope for each row in the
Client Activity tab is always a WX switch.
The down arrow in front of the WX switch name indicates
that you can double-click on the arrow to change the
scope in the Status Summary and Explore windows, to
display information specifically for this switch in those
For a Site, the scope for each row is a building.
For a building, the scope for each row is a floor.
For a floor, the scope for each row is a coverage area.