Uninstalling 3WXM 27
3 Click Uninstall.
The 3WXM Uninstall Options dialog appears.
By default, the following are removed when you uninstall the client
Network plans
Access control
If the monitoring service was also installed, the monitoring service’s
database directory is also uninstalled by default. The database directory
contains the data collected by the monitoring service.
CAUTION: Do not delete the serial number unless specifically asked to do
so by 3Com Technical Support.
Your license(s) to use this software are registered against this serial
number. If you delete the serial number, the software will generate a new
serial number if it is ever reinstalled. You will then require new licenses to
register against the new serial number. If you delete the serial number,
the license information will also be deleted.
CAUTION: If you delete an item, the item is permanently lost. For
example, if you delete the database directory, all data collected by the
monitoring service is lost, including historical trend data.