
Using the RF Monitor View 445
Displaying the
Activity Log
The activity log displays RF Auto-Tuning and countermeasures activity for
the radio. To display the activity log, in the RF Monitor view, select the
Activity tab at the bottom of the window.
Table 55 lists the information displayed on the tab.
Table 55 RF Monitor Activity Log Columns
Column Description
Time System date and time on the WX switch when the switch generated
the SNMP trap for the event message.
Event Type Type of event that caused the message:
Counter Measure Start — The radio began countermeasures
against a rogue transmitter. Event information comes from the
CounterMeasureStart trap.
Tx. Power Change — The RF Auto-Tuning feature changed the
transmit power level of the radio. Event information comes from
the AutoTuneRadioPowerChange trap.
Channel Change — The RF Auto-Tuning feature changed the
transmit channel of the radio. Event information comes from the
AutoTuneRadioChannelChange trap.
Description For countermeasure events, this column lists the target MAC address
of the rogue device. For RF Auto-Tuning messages, this column lists
the reason for the power or channel change.