
Creating a Static
The IP routing table contains routes that MSS uses for determining the
interfaces for a WX switch’s external communications. When you add an
IP interface to a VLAN that is up, MSS automatically adds corresponding
entries to the IP routing table.
For destination routes that are not directly attached, you can add static
routes. A static route specifies the destination and the gateway router
through which to forward traffic.You can add the following types of
static routes:
Explicit route—Forwarding path for traffic to a specific destination
Default route—Forwarding path for traffic to a destination without an
explicit route
If the IP routing table contains an explicit route for a given destination,
MSS uses the route. Otherwise, MSS uses a default route.
(For more information about static routes, see the “Configuring and
Managing IP Routes” section in the “Configuring and Managing IP
Interfaces and Services” chapter of the Wireless LAN Switch and
Controller Configuration Guide.)
To create a static route:
1 Access the Create Route wizard:
a Select the Configuration tool bar option.
b In the Organizer panel, click the plus sign next to the WX switch.
c Click the plus sign next to System.
d Select IP Services.
e In the Task List panel, select Route.
2 To configure a default route, select Default Route and go to step 3.
Otherwise, in the Destination IP Address box, type the destination
IP address and subnet mask in classless interdomain routing (CIDR)
notation (for example,
3 In the Gateway box, type the IP address of the gateway that the route
4 In the Metric box, specify the cost for using the route (0 to
2,147,483,647). Lower-cost routes are preferred. The default is 1.
5 Click Finish.