
Viewing and Changing the Auto-DAP Profile 271
6 In the Enable Firmware Update list, select Yes to automatically upgrade
MAP boot firmware. The upgrade version of the firmware is loaded from
a WX when the MAP is booting.
Select No to disable automatic firmware upgrading. Automatic firmware
upgrading is enabled by default.
7 To enable an individual radio, select Enabled.
8 To configure RF Auto-Tuning on a radio:
a To change the maximum default power level that RF Auto-Tuning can
assign to the radio, select the power level from the drop-down list in
the Max Tuned Power column.
The Default power level is the same as the maximum power level
allowed for the country of operation.
b To change the minimum transmit data rate for 802.11b/g clients or
802.11a clients associated with the radio, select the rate from the
drop-down list in the Client Data Rate column.
By default, a radio does not lower the transmit data rate for any client
below the following values:
5.5 Mbps for 802.11b/g clients
24 Mbps for 802.11a clients
c To change the maximum percentage of client retransmissions a radio
can experience before RF Auto-Tuning considers changing the
channel on the radio, select the percentage from the drop-down list in
the Max Retransmissions column.
By default, the maximum percentage of client retransmissions a radio
can experience before RF Auto-Tuning considers changing the
channel on the radio is 10 percent.
9 To change the radio profile used to manage the radios, select the profile
from the drop-down list in the Radio Profile column.
10 Click Save.