Viewing and Changing Port Settings 183
10 Create a Web Portal authentication rule to control access to the port, or
use one that has already been created.
To create a new rule:
a Click Create.
b Specify the user glob in the Matching User Glob box. To match on all
usernames, leave the wildcards (**) in the box. (For syntax
information, see “Access Rules” on page 238.)
To use an existing rule, leave the rule in the list.
c Click Next.
d Select the authentication and accounting method (RADUS server
group or local database).
(For information, see “AAA Methods (RADIUS Server Groups and the
Local User Database)” on page 240.)
e Click Next.
f To configure accounting, select Enabled, select the record type
(Start-Stop or Stop-Only), then select LOCAL or a RADIUS server group
for the accounting and click Add.
g Click Finish.
If you selected Local as an authentication method, the users in the
local database are listed. Go to step 12.
If you did not select LOCAL, click Finish to close the wizard and
save the changes. You are finished with this procedure.
11 If you selected Open Access in step 2, select the VLAN to which you want
the switch to assign users. Otherwise, go to step 12.
Click Finish to close the wizard and save the changes. You are finished
with this procedure.
12 Click Next.
If you selected LOCAL as an authentication method, the users in the
switch’s local database are listed. For convenience, you can add, modify,
or delete users on this page. To add a user, click Create and see
“Creating a Named User” on page 289. To modify a user, select the user
and click Properties. To delete a user, select the user and click Delete.