User's Manual - 55
■ Manual: This mode allows user to ne-tune the value of iris opening manually, which ranges from 1
(short depth of led) to 100 (long depth of eld). The Response time is for adjusting the opening or
closing speed of the iris from 1 (quick) to 10 (slow) steps� In addition, if you choose manual mode, you
can manually adjust the Exposure time and Gain control according to the ambient light� Please refer
to Exposure Settings on page 58 for detailed information�
If you select this option, the P-iris Adjustment bar will be displayed on the Homepage as shown below�
You will also see the light and the depth of field changing in the live view window while manually
dragging the bar�
Video orientation: Flip--vertically reect the display of the live video; Mirror--horizontally reect the display
of the live video. Select both options if the Network Camera is installed upside-down (ex. on the ceiling)
to correct the image orientation. Please note that the preset locations will be cleared after ip/mirror.
Overlay title and time stamp on video and sanpshot: Select this option to place the video title and time on
the video streams and snapshots�
Note that when the frame size is set to 176 x 144 as shown in the picture below, only the time will be
stamped on the video streams and sanpshots�
Enable time shift caching stream
Advanced Mode
: Check this item to enable the time shift cache
stream on the Network Camera, which will store video in the camera’s embedded memory for a period of
time depending on the cache memory of each Network Camera� This function can work seamlessly with
VIVOTEK’s ST7501 recording software� When an event occurs, the recording software can request time
shift cache stream from the camera, which allows the user to get an earlier video data�
Select caching stream: Select one stream as the time shift cache stream�
Image Settings
Advanced Mode
Click Image Settings to open the Image Settings page� On this page, you can tune the White balance
and image adjustment�
17:08:56 2010/12/09
2010/12/09 17:08:56
wider apertures,
shorter depth of eld
smaller apertures,
longer depth of eld