A. Warm temperature
b2 Check for continuity across
In all Wine Storage the motor windings of the
inoperative fan motor (See
pages 14 and 19).
8. Condenser Air / Flow
Condenser Fan Fault
a. Dirty condenser a. Clean condenser
b. Condenser fan blade b. Check fan blade. Tighten or
loose or obstructed. remove obstruction.
c. Fan motor disconnected c. Check fan motor operation.
or malfunctioning. and electrical connections.
back to compressor. Check
for 115VAC from compressor
to motor. Reconnect or repair
wires or replace motor if
9. Compressor Fault
a. Compressor electrical a. Check integrity of compressor
components disconnected electrical components (See page
or malfunctioning. 15 and 16). Check electrical
connections back to control
board. Replace defective com-
ponent or repair wiring. Check
for 115VAC from the control
board. Correct any wiring
problems or replace compressor
components if defective. If no
power from control board.
replace control board.
b. Compressor inefficient b. For Compressor specifications,
electrical inputs and output
(See page 16).
c. Compressor locked c. (See page 16).
B. Warm Temperature
1. Control Set too Warm a. Check set-points. Adjust set-
in only one wine
storage compartment.
2. Unit Recently Energized a. Allow time for unit to pull down.
3. Unit Recently Stocked a. Instruct customer
with Wine.
4. High Room Ambient a. Instruct customer that unit
performs best between 60°F /
16°C -- 90°F / 32°C.