Trane BAS-SVP10A-EN Thermostat User Manual

Additional Information and Considerations
These properties are also shown but not populated on point status pages (Figure 8, p. 34 ).
Figure 8. Status section of the Point Status page
No active setpoint or heat/cool mode data
The SpacesSummary and Equipment Summarypages do notshow data foractive setpoint orheat/
cool mode as these devices do not have Space Temperature Setpoint Active and Heat Cool Mode
Status points ( ).
Figure 9. Air Handlers section of the Equipment Status page
Discharge air temp requirements
The pointDischarge AirTemperature on allof thesedevices only reportsdata ifthe respective input
is configured as a discharge air sensor and a valid sensor is connected.
Inappropriate text on graphic displays
In some cases, Binary and Multistate points on a Tracer SC custom graphic display state text that
does not match the space or equipment pages.