Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000
8000 1081 14.75 1108 15.78 1134 16.83 1160 17.88
9000 1097 15.80 1125 16.94 1152 18.08
10000 1109 16.73 1138 17.95 1166 19.18
11000 1118 17.64 1148 18.91
12000 1124 18.61 1155 19.91
13000 1128 19.65 1159 20.99
14000 1130 20.73 1162 22.12
15000 1132 21.80 1164 23.26
16000 1134 22.86 1166 24.39
17000 1136 23.94 1168 25.52
18000 1138 25.03 1170 26.66
19000 1141 26.15
20000 1144 27.30
21000 1147 28.50
22000 1150 29.74
22500 1152 30.38
23000 1153 31.03
24000 1157 32.36
Table PD-36 — Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES — 40, 50 and 55 Tons
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
8000 290 .66 396 1.27 479 1.95 550 2.67 613 3.44 671 4.23 723 5.05 770 5.90
9000 298 .77 400 1.44 482 2.16 553 2.93 616 3.75 673 4.61 725 5.49 774 6.39
10000 311 .94 404 1.61 486 2.38 556 3.20 618 4.07 675 4.99 727 5.93 776 6.89
11000 329 1.16 409 1.79 490 2.63 559 3.50 621 4.41 677 5.37 729 6.37 778 7.40
12000 349 1.43 414 2.00 494 2.89 563 3.81 624 4.77 680 5.78 731 6.82 780 7.90
13000 370 1.75 424 2.26 499 3.16 567 4.15 628 5.16 683 6.21 734 7.30 782 8.43
14000 391 2.12 438 2.60 504 3.44 571 4.49 632 5.57 687 6.67 737 7.80 785 8.97
15000 413 2.54 455 3.01 510 3.77 576 4.86 636 5.99 690 7.15 741 8.33 789 9.55
16000 435 3.02 474 3.50 520 4.18 581 5.24 640 6.43 695 7.65 745 8.89 792 10.16
17000 457 3.54 494 4.06 534 4.68 586 5.65 645 6.89 699 8.17 749 9.47 796 10.79
18000 479 4.13 515 4.68 550 5.29 595 6.15 650 7.37 703 8.71 753 10.07 800 11.46
19000 501 4.78 536 5.38 569 5.98 607 6.76 656 7.89 708 9.27 758 10.70 804 12.14
20000 524 5.49 558 6.15 588 6.75 622 7.49 664 8.50 713 9.85 762 11.34 809 12.84
21000 546 6.28 580 7.00 608 7.61 639 8.32 676 9.25 719 10.49 767 12.00 813 13.57
22000 569 7.14 602 7.92 629 8.55 658 9.26 690 10.12 728 11.25 773 12.70 818 14.32
22500 580 7.60 613 8.40 640 9.05 667 9.76 698 10.60 734 11.68 776 13.07 820 14.70
23000 591 8.08 624 8.90 651 9.58 677 10.29 706 11.11 740 12.15 780 13.48 823 15.09
24000 614 9.10 646 9.97 672 10.70 697 11.41 724 12.22 754 13.19 789 14.41 829 15.93
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000
8000 814 6.80 854 7.73 892 8.69 927 9.67 961 10.66 993 11.67 1023 12.69 1053 13.71
9000 819 7.32 861 8.28 901 9.27 938 10.31 972 11.37 1006 12.45 1037 13.55 1068 14.67
10000 822 7.88 865 8.89 906 9.92 944 10.98 980 12.07 1015 13.20 1048 14.35 1079 15.53
11000 824 8.45 867 9.52 908 10.61 948 11.72 985 12.85 1021 14.00 1055 15.18 1087 16.40
12000 826 9.01 869 10.15 910 11.30 950 12.47 988 13.66 1024 14.87 1059 16.09 1092 17.34
13000 828 9.59 871 10.78 912 11.99 952 13.23 989 14.48 1026 15.75 1061 17.04 1095 18.34
14000 830 10.18 873 11.42 914 12.69 954 13.98 991 15.30 1028 16.63 1063 17.98 1097 19.35
15000 833 10.80 876 12.09 917 13.40 956 14.75 994 16.12 1030 17.51 1065 18.92 1099 20.35
16000 837 11.46 879 12.78 920 14.14 958 15.54 996 16.96 1032 18.40 1067 19.87 1101 21.36
17000 840 12.14 882 13.52 923 14.92 961 16.36 999 17.82 1035 19.32 1069 20.83 1103 22.38
18000 844 12.86 886 14.28 926 15.73 964 17.21 1002 18.72 1037 20.26 1072 21.82 1106 23.41
19000 848 13.60 890 15.08 930 16.58 968 18.11 1005 19.66 1040 21.24 1075 22.85 1108 24.48
20000 852 14.36 894 15.90 934 17.46 972 19.04 1008 20.64 1044 22.27 1078 23.92 1111 25.60
21000 857 15.15 898 16.75 938 18.37 976 20.00 1012 21.66 1047 23.33 1081 25.03 1114 26.75
22000 861 15.96 902 17.63 942 19.30 980 20.99 1016 22.70 1051 24.43 1085 26.18 1118 27.95
22500 864 16.38 905 18.07 944 19.78 982 21.50 1018 23.24 1053 25.00 1087 26.77 1120 28.57
23000 866 16.80 907 18.52 946 20.26 984 22.01 1020 23.78 1055 25.57 1089 27.37 1122 29.19
24000 871 17.66 912 19.45 951 21.25 988 23.06 1024 24.89 1059 26.73 1093 28.59 1125 30.47
1. Fan performance for 40, 50, and 55 ton rooftops is
identical. However, note maximum motor hp size for
each size. Contact your local Trane representative for
information on oversized motors.
2. Shaded areas at table extremes note non-standard
Bhp or Rpm selection. Contact your local Trane
representative for more information.
3. Supply fan performance table includes internal
resistance of rooftop. For total static pressure
determination, system external static must be added
to appropriate component static pressure drops
(evaporator coil, filters, optional economizer, optional
exhaust fan, optional heating system, optional
cooling only extended casing, optional roof curb).
4. Maximum Cfm (for UL approval) as follows:
40 Ton — 18,000 Cfm
50 Ton — 22,500 Cfm
55 Ton — 24,000 Cfm
5. Minimum motor horsepower is 7.5 hp.
6. Maximum motor horsepower as follows:
40 Ton — 30 hp
50 Ton — 30 hp
55 Ton — 30 hp
7. Maximum 7.5 hp to 15 hp motor Rpm is 1,141 Rpm,
maximum 20 hp to 30 hp motor Rpm is 1,170 Rpm.
8. See RT-EB-104 for further details.
(40, 50, 55 Tons)