Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts
Using the Replaceable Parts List
The tabular information in the Replaceable Parts List is
arranged for quick retrieval. Understanding the strucĆ
ture and features of the list will help you find the all the
information you need for ordering replacement parts.
Item Names
In the Replaceable Parts List, an Item Name is sepaĆ
rated from the description by a colon (:). Because of
space limitations, an Item Name may sometimes apĆ
pear as incomplete. For further Item Name identificaĆ
tion, U.S. Federal Cataloging Handbook H6Ć1 can be
used where possible.
Indentation System
This parts list is indented to show the relationship
between items. The following example is of the indentaĆ
tion system used in the Description column:
1ą 2ą 3ą 4ą 5 Name & Description
Assembly and/or Component
Attaching parts for Assembly and/or Component
Detail Part of Assembly and/or Component
Attaching parts for Detail Part
Parts of Detail Part
Attaching parts for Parts of Detail Part
Attaching parts always appear at the same indentation
as the item it mounts, while the detail parts are inĆ
dented to the right. Indented items are part of, and
included with, the next higher indentation. Attaching
parts must be purchased separately, unless otherwise
Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts
Using the Replaceable Parts List
The tabular information in the Replaceable Parts List is
arranged for quick retrieval. Understanding the strucĆ
ture and features of the list will help you find the all the
information you need for ordering replacement parts.
Item Names
In the Replaceable Parts List, an Item Name is sepaĆ
rated from the description by a colon (:). Because of
space limitations, an Item Name may sometimes apĆ
pear as incomplete. For further Item Name identificaĆ
tion, U.S. Federal Cataloging Handbook H6Ć1 can be
used where possible.
Indentation System
This parts list is indented to show the relationship
between items. The following example is of the indentaĆ
tion system used in the Description column:
1ą 2ą 3ą 4ą 5 Name & Description
Assembly and/or Component
Attaching parts for Assembly and/or Component
Detail Part of Assembly and/or Component
Attaching parts for Detail Part
Parts of Detail Part
Attaching parts for Parts of Detail Part
Attaching parts always appear at the same indentation
as the item it mounts, while the detail parts are inĆ
dented to the right. Indented items are part of, and
included with, the next higher indentation. Attaching
parts must be purchased separately, unless otherwise