Patterson-Kelley TBIG-03 Boiler User Manual

Gas-Fired Boiler Operation
4.2.1 Initial Lighting Procedures
1. Utilities: Turn on electrical supply to the boiler.
Open the gas supply valves. Make sure the sys-
tem is filled with water and turn on the circula-
tion pump.
2. Reset Switches: Press the reset button on both
the high gas and low gas pressure switches if the
gas supply had previously been turned off.
Press the control reset button after a safety lock-
3. Set the desired high temperature limit and oper-
ating temperature.
4. Turn on the power switch. If a red warning
light indicator is illuminated, see Section 5.6 of
this manual to troubleshoot the problem and
take the necessary corrective action before pro-
4.2.2 Normal Shut Off Procedures
1. Place the on/off switch in the off position.
2. Close all manual gas valves.
3. Turn off electrical power.
4.2.3 Emergency Shut Off Procedures
The main gas cock should be closed immediately. If
overheating occurs or the gas supply fails to shut
off, do not turn off or disconnect the electrical sup-
ply to the pump. Instead, shut off the gas supply at
a location external to the boiler.
Model Input
Natural Gas
(1030 BTU/cu. Ft)
No. Rating Gas Output
(Btu/hr) Rate Capacity
(scfh) (Btu/hr)
1500 1,500,000 1,456 1,275,000
2000 2,000,000 1,942 1,700,000