Creating an ftp Server / Windows Vista
Uploading Images to an ftp Server
Creating an ftp Server
The WT-4 can be used to upload pictures to ftp servers created
using standard ftp services included with Windows Vista (32-bit
Ultimate/Business/Enterprise editions), Windows XP Professional
(Service Pack 1 or later), and Mac OS X (version 10.3.9 or version
10.4.10). Under Windows, Internet Information Services (IIS) are
required to configure ftp servers (IIS is included in the standard
install of Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Business,
Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows XP Professional; for
information, contact Microsoft). Mac OS X versions 10.3.9 and
10.4.10 also support ftp services. Be sure to use characters
supported by the WT-4 (pg. 153) when specifying such settings as
user ID, password, and folder names.
Windows Vista
1 Open the [Network and Internet] > [Network and Sharing
Center] control panel.
2 Select [Manage network connections].