© National Instruments Corporation 3-1 Lookout Operator’s Manual
Lookout Runtime Menu
This chapter describes Lookout menu bar pull-down commands available
in run mode. Some menu items may be disabled, depending on your
security level.
Every menu command has a predetermined security level associated with
it. Only operators whose security levels are equal to or greater than that of
a particular command can access that menu command. Contact your
Lookout administrator to find out what security level you have.
File Commands
Security Level: 9
Shortcut Keys: <CTRL+N>
The F
ile»New command is the first step in creating a new process file. It is
important to notice that you must use the F
ile»Save or File»Save As
command to save your work and create a new process file.
Security Level: 8 or member of System Operator group
Shortcut Keys: <CTRL+O>
Use the F
ile»Open command to open a process file for execution.
When you select F
ile»Open, a dialog box pops up that you can use to select
the current disk drive/directory and scroll through a list of process files.
Once you find the process file you want to open, click on the file name in
the file listbox or type the file name and click on the OK button, or just
double-click on the file name in the listbox.